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This Concept Map has information related to: Zoom-Teeth Gums Care- Pyorrhea, Pyorrhea is caused by Not cleaning the Teeth & Gums well or often enough; Not eating enough nutritious foods (Malnutrition); Lack of Vitamin-C & Vit-B Complex, Gum Disease prevention and treatment Brush teeth (from top to bottom, never from side to side) well every day; Brush immediately after eating anything sweet with toothpaste (or a mix of salt & bicarbonate of soda), Gum Disease prevention and treatment Avoid Sweet things; Brush well after every meal, Pyorrhea prevention and treatment Avoid Sweet things; Brush well after every meal, Pyorrhea symptom Inflamed (red or swollen), painful gums that bleed easily, Pyorrhea prevention and treatment Scrape off the dark yellow crust (tartar) that forms where the teeth meet the gums & clean things between the teeth with the help of a strong thin thread (or dental floss); Initially it may cause bleeding but soon the gums will be healthier and bleed less, Teeth & Gums Care for Pyorrhea, Gum Disease prevention and treatment Eat protective foods rich in vitamins e.g, eggs, meat, beans, dark green vegetables, & fruits like oranges, lemons, & tomatoes; Better do not eat sweet, sticky & stringy foods that get stuck between the teeth; Take Vitamin-C, Pyorrhea is a Gum Disease, Pyorrhea prevention and treatment Brush teeth (from top to bottom, never from side to side) well every day; Brush immediately after eating anything sweet with toothpaste (or a mix of salt & bicarbonate of soda)
cmap for Vitamins
CMap for Importance of Minerals
Zoom- Teeth & Gums Care Basics
Zoom-Teeth Gums Care- Pyorrhea
Zoom-Teeth Gums-Mouth Corner Cracks
Zoom-Teeth Gums-Toothaches-Abscess-Tooth Cavity
Zoom-Mouth Care-Sore Throat-Mouth Corner Sores-Tiny White Spots-Mouth White Patches
Zoom-Mouth Care-Thrush-Canker Sores-Cold Sores-Fever Blisters
CMap for Teeth Gums Mouth
Children Health Care
cmap for Vitamins
Health Care Concepts
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